
How Videos Can Take Your Industrial Marketing to the Next Level

Industrial Video Marketing Tips

Videos are an important part of any industrial company’s marketing strategy. They can help you reach explain your products and services in a way that graphics and text alone can’t match. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how videos can take your industrial marketing to the next level. We’ll also offer tips for creating effective video content. So read on to learn more!

Videos Capture Attention

It’s common knowledge that attention spans are shrinking, and this is increasingly evident when you visit any social media site. Creating engaging content is more important than ever to standout in a vast online landscape. So, what types of benefits can videos bring to your social media presence?

We think that the easiest way to explain the potency of video marketing is to share the following stats from SproutSocial:

  • 54% of marketers say that video is more valuable than any other content type
  • 85% of social media users would prefer more video content from brands
  • Video content is shared twice as much as other forms of media
  • Yet… video is the most underutilized format on social media sites

Looking at the data above, it’s apparent that video marketing is an underutilized goldmine. All the metrics point towards higher engagement rates and more conversions, yet some companies dismiss the use of video sharing. Deciding to invest in videos and put in the extra effort is one of the easiest ways an industrial company can separate themselves from the competition.

How Industrial Companies Can Start Marketing With Video

Video production isn’t all about Hollywood movies and viral Super Bowl commercials. A good video tells a story, communicates brand values, and informs the viewer more potently than other forms of media can. For example, a potential customer seeing a professional branding video can immediately help them form a more positive opinion on a company.

Industrial and manufacturing companies can benefit greatly from creating and marketing videos. Products and services in the industrial space are often complex, and the good old days of sitting down and perusing documentation and manuals is not as desirable as it once was. Making overview videos, tutorials, or including 3D animations is an effective method many companies have used to garner interest and visual inform viewers of their products.

All of these eyes on your social media pages can directly result in new leads and sales generation. In fact, it was reported in the same study as above that viewers on YouTube are twice as likely to purchase a product that they’ve seen in a video. A proper visual representation of a product of service can instill trust in a potential customer. You wouldn’t buy a car that you’ve seen actually seen, right?

Industrial Video Marketing Ideas and Tips

You hopefully now understand the importance of video and how it can bolster engagement and sales. But now the hard part begins: generating topical videos that are creative and professionally produced. While content is king, a poorly made video (or any form of media for that matter) can reflect negatively on your brand.

Perhaps the most popular idea for a video is to simply highlight a product. This means featuring a select product or product line, walking through its unique features, and clarifying the value that it brings to a customer. Pair a video like this with a call-to-action like a link containing more in-depth information.

Other video ideas could include an overview of services, interviews with employees or partners, and general company updates. Remember, videos are a means of conveying information in more digestible and engaging ways. By this logic, social media videos should be concise and visually stimulating; they give the viewer the information they need in a timely fashion.

So How Do We Get Started in Video Production?

Video production, as we’ve learned, can work wonders for an industrial company in their marketing efforts. The production level of these videos can range anywhere from a candid moment caught on a mobile phone to extensively planned shoots with a professional crew, equipment, and postproduction services. While this may seem intimidating, its best to start thinking of incorporating more videos in your online presence now.

At Circa98, we understand the hesitation many industrial companies and manufacturers face when tasked with getting these digital transformations off the ground. That’s why we offer professional video production services and handle the process from conception to presentation and distribution. To learn about our process, check out our video marketing page. Click the button below to contact us and learn more about how we can help your company share its value, products, and services to countless people online.

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